Monday, August 10, 2009

Father of industrial design?

An interesting article on the SF Examiner website about Raymond Loewy. The article contains pictures of Loewy automobiles that I'd not seen before.

"Raymond Loewy coined the term "industrial designer" in the 1930s. His first car design was an aerodynamic re-style of the fading Hupmobile brand. This brought him to the attention of Studebaker who hired him to redesign their line for the 1939 model year. Loewy's designs had a light, trim, airy look that was years ahead of the thick and doughy style of most contemporary cars."

Read the full article about Raymond Loewy and Studebaker.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Very cool! Loewy is one of Alan's favorite designers. Definitely forward thinking for his time, much like Buckminster Fuller.